Sequential processing of cues in memory-based multiattribute decisions


Bröder, A., &Gaissmaier, W. (2007). Sequential processing of cues in memory-based multiattribute decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 895-900.
(Reprinted in Heuristics: The foundations of adaptive behavior, pp. 429–435, by G. Gigerenzer, R. Hertwig, & T. Pachur, Eds., 2011, New York: Oxford University Press)

Immediate interactive behavior: How embodied and embedded cognition uses and changes the world to achieve its goals


Neth, H., Carlson, R. A., Gray, W. D., Kirlik, A., Kirsh, D., & Payne, S. J. (2007).  Immediate interactive behavior: How embodied and embedded cognition uses and changes the world to achieve its goals.  In D. S. McNamara & J. G. Trafton (Eds.),  Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 33–34).  Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.